Ground for CBI Inquiry in Criminal Case

Ground for CBI Inquiry in Criminal Case

Authored By: Simran

Ground for CBI Inquiry in Criminal Case


In the Indian judicial system, an inquiry by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is an essential tool for guaranteeing an unbiased and equitable investigation of criminal matters. The bulk of cases are handled by state police, but the CBI is called in when its independence, nationwide reach, and specialised knowledge are thought to be crucial. In this paper, we will go over the several grounds for a CBI investigation in Indian criminal cases.

  • National Significance and Complexity: A complex criminal case of national importance is one of the reasons to initiate a CBI investigation. Instances that cross state borders or have broad implications affecting the whole country may sometimes require the attention and expertise of a central body like FBI. Such crimes could involve intricate webs, high-end criminals, or wide-ranging conspiracies outside specific state police jurisdictions.
  • Interstate Ramifications: Another ground which equally justifies a CBI investigation is interstate ramifications arising from some cases. Crimes taking place across states significantly hinder effective coordination among state police investigations. Because it operates on a national scale, as opposed to others carrying out their duties locally within specific states, there can be an effective working relationship between it and law enforcement agencies in other parts of the country while addressing all areas related to crime.
  • Corruption Allegations Against Public Servants: Frequently, allegations of corruption against public officials such as parliamentarians, government officers or law enforcers leads to initiating inquiries by the CBI. An independent agency like the CBI carries out impartial probes because these incidents are sensitive issues that might affect public confidence. This promotes transparency and avoids any biases when examining certain personnel within state machinery.
  • Lack of Trust in State Police Investigations: Lack of faith in investigations conducted by state police is another important factor supporting commencement a CBI investigation. When there is perception that state police involved in handling such cases are politically motivated towards certain individuals being investigated it questions credibility of this enquiry process.[1] In situations where it appears that local influences have been avoided by transferring this matter to CBI there will be reestablished trust of the population in this investigative procedure.
  • Request from State Government: The start of a CBI investigation may also be based on a formal request from the state government. A specific case necessitating the intervention of a central agency for an objective and impartial inquiry may lead to a state government making such a formal request to have the matter transferred to CBI from federal government. This epitomizes India’s cooperative federalist framework.
  • Specialised Knowledge: Some criminal cases require forensic expertise, specialized investigative techniques or deep understanding in certain areas. These are the type of cases that CBI is trained to handle because it is not state or regionally limited but rather national in nature with access to skilled manpower as well as huge funds. Thus, irrespective of whether this topic falls into any sophisticated issues, cyber crime or complicated financial dealings due to its specialized knowledge, there will always be full comprehensive and efficient investigations since it has all the resources at its disposal [1].
  • Organised Crime, Terrorism or heinous Crimes:The CBI is often called upon to assist in matters relating to organised crime, terrorism or grisly crimes. Such investigations require a level of cooperation and competence that surpasses the capability of state police units alone. Consequently, its proficiency in these cases ensures a methodical and thorough approach towards tackling the challenges inherent in these grave offences.
  • Court Orders:Under certain circumstances, the judge may come in and order for a CBI inquiry. This might be done when court finds it necessary to conduct an independent and fair investigation, especially where questions arise regarding impartiality or competence of state police. Through ordered CBI investigations by courts, public’s faith in judicial system is maintained while justice remains its ideals.
  • Public Interest:There are instances where the CBI investigates cases that are highly publicized cases. Public interest can be aroused by such reasons as nature of crime committed, persons involved or larger social implications of the case. A CBI enquiry is regarded as a tool used to address those concerns from the public with responsibility demonstrated on our part and free from undue influence guaranteeing openness during investigation.
  • Ensuring Transparency And Impartiality:Transparency and impartiality in investigating process forms an essential objective for a CBI enquiry. The inquiry becomes more unbiased when conducted by a central organization like CBI that functions independently from local pressures, political influences or state governments. These uphold natural justice principles thereby enhancing credibility of findings made through this investigation.


  • In Secretary, Minor Irrigation and Rural Engineering Services, U.P. and Ors. v. Sahngoo Ram Arya and Anr., AIR 2002 SC 2225 it was held that the court must determine, based on pleadings and material on record that a prima facie case is made out against the accused The CBI cannot be ordered by the court to look into an individual’s suspected criminal activity. The court cannot just move on based only on “ifs” and “buts” and decide that the CBI should conduct the investigation.
  • This Court decided in Divine Retreat Centre (Supra) that a person may only be the subject of a judicial order directing an investigation into his or her actions by the High Court after the individual had a chance to be heard. The criminal law cannot be implemented by the court based on accusations brought against an individual that go against the fundamentals of natural justice. A person who is the subject of an investigation must be given a fair chance to be heard since the order may have a negative impact on him. This is especially true if the order has a significant negative impact on his reputation.


In conclusion, there are a variety of reasons that give rise to a CBI probe in criminal cases in India, all of which stem from the desire for an efficient, unbiased, and just investigation. In cases involving public personnel, cases of national significance, and cases of complexity, the CBI’s participation is crucial. The CBI is essential to preserving the values of justice and public trust in the legal system since it is an independent agency with specialised knowledge.

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